Why custom fit clubs?
Why Custom Fit Clubs – Like fingerprints, we are all different. Yes, we might be the same height as one of our golfing pals, but are we as flexible? Is our leg’s length the same? Upper body strength? Arm length? Power in the downswing? Hand size? As with a game with so many variables, it is with the golf swing. Hardly surprising when you read the above, and this is where custom-built clubs come into the frame and shine.
The word CUSTOM seems to strike fear into the heart of many a golfer’s wallets, but they offer far better value to you. We plan for our customers to use their new irons for at least five years and probably more. In reality, most people like to change a little more often than that, but you’re still looking at 3 – 4 years and, once again, quite feasibly more.
Another key factor here is time. Let’s face it we could all do with more time to play, practice, go and visit new golfing venues and even grab a quick golfing break with our crew and that’s just on the golfing front! There are countless other commitments in your life, and all of this is eating into potential time for reaching your goals in golf.
Would you risk purchasing golf clubs that may not be ideally suited to you to save a few pounds on what appears to be a good deal? Would a beautiful suit from last season’s collection reduced from £999 to £599 be a good deal if it was the wrong size? Not likely unless you are planning on seriously eating ahead or need to shed a few pounds!
If you buy an ill-fitting set of clubs for £349 in a sale and then go on to waste six months, a year or worse, still EVEN longer, was that set a good deal? Not only have you wasted £349 but how much of your precious time has gone up in smoke? Please don’t waste any more time with the wrong kit!
Seems a good time to mention that we can fully custom fit and hand build irons from a major club manufacturer for as little as £349.00…
A FACT that holds many golfers back in their progress in golf is ill-fitting clubs. This is not to say that they can still manipulate their swings to hit good golf shots some of the time. Hence lots of golfers are making do with the wrong kit.
But parts of their ideal natural swing will be compromised to achieve these good shots. That could be the quality of their posture, weight dispersion at impact, face angle to target at impact, level of tension created in the swing, I could go on….but here is the GREAT NEWS…
Just as ill-fitting clubs have many potential negative effects on a golfer’s swing, you’ll be pleased to know that correctly-fitted clubs have the opposite effect. They help you to swing it better. They get you in a better address position; they allow you to hit more committed golf shots.
When you are hitting the ball nicely, you’ll know exactly what’s happening with the face of the club, and again, I could go on…